The log directory holds the database-specific log files that let Derby record the operations that occur during a set of database operations ( a transaction). log目录保存特定于数据库的日志文件,这些文件允许Derby记录在一组数据库操作(一个事务)期间发生的操作。
Where data_file is your LDAP directory output of one field per line and record separated by an empty line. 其中datafile是每行一个字段的LDAP目录输出和用空行分隔的记录。
For the file and directory lines, you only need to record the name. 对于文件和目录行,您只需要记录下名字。
Imagine that you want to create an application that monitors a certain directory in a file system so that you can collect customer record information. 假设您要创建一个应用程序并用它来监视文件系统中的某个特定目录,以便收集客户记录信息。
Given a visiting subscribers mobile directory number, the subscriber record contains the related primary MSID. 只要给定一个要访问的用户移动电话号码,用户记录就会包含相关的主MSID。
The ordered bucket directory makes this structure can be used in both single record direct searching and batch records sequential searching, and the time complexity does not increase. 有序桶目录使这一结构既可用于单记录直接检索,又可方便地进行批量记录顺序检索,而时间复杂性没有增加。